Innovating Neurological Care: Your Research in Our Special Collection "Advances in Personalized Neurological Interventions: Bridging Transdisciplinary Insights"

By Ilan Laufer

Introduction to a New Chapter in Neurological Research

Welcome to an exciting new era in neurological care. Our upcoming Special Collection in SAGE Open Medicine, "Advances in Personalized Neurological Interventions: Bridging Transdisciplinary Insights," aims to be at the forefront of this evolution. We're at a unique point where advanced research intertwines with collaborative insights, and your contribution is crucial.

Highlighting Key Research and Its Impact

In highlighting the caliber of research we aspire to include in our Special Collection, let's look at some exemplary studies from the broader field, such as the work of Murray et al. (2018), Mang et al. (2020), and others. These studies, while not part of our collection, set a benchmark for the innovative and impactful research we aim to showcase.

Our journey begins with the groundbreaking work of Murray et al. (2018). Their research in local circuit dynamics and structural connectivity has deepened our understanding of the brain's functional connectivity through fMRI. This study sets a precedent for the kind of innovative research we seek. In tandem, the work of Mang et al. (2020) on CNS tumors diagnosis exemplifies the strides being made in precision diagnostics. Their innovative approach is a testament to the power of focused, patient-specific medical care.

Turning our attention to neurodegenerative diseases, Maldonado et al. (2018) provide invaluable insights into the mechanisms behind Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and Huntington's diseases. Their research offers hope for new neuroprotective strategies and aligns with our collection's focus on cellular activation and genetic influences in neurological disorders.

The Fusion of AI and Precision Medicine in Neurology

Our collection also explores the dynamic intersection of AI and precision medicine. Hamplel et al. (2023) and the IHI-PROMINENT project by Tate et al. (2023) demonstrate how digital health technologies and multimodal biomarkers can revolutionize neurological care. Similarly, Dang et al. (2021) illustrate the practical applications of AI in neurocritical care, such as EEG interpretation and intracranial pressure monitoring.

Contributing to this field, Kline et al. (2022) demonstrate how machine learning can be combined with diverse data types, including imaging and genomics, to enhance our understanding of neurological conditions. This integrated approach is vital for developing a more comprehensive view of these disorders and opens the door to new innovations in the future.

This convergence of AI, machine learning, and precision medicine is forging new paths in neurological research and care, underscoring the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration in advancing the field. In our special collection, we aim to capture these transformative advancements and invite contributions that mirror this spirit of innovation and practical application.

An Invitation to Contribute to Groundbreaking Neurological Research

This Special Collection is not just a compilation of research papers; it's a collaborative endeavor to shape the future of neurology. We invite researchers, clinicians, and scholars to contribute their groundbreaking work. Each study, including recent research like that of Qin et al. (2023) on microglia activation in CNS disorders, plays a pivotal role in advancing our understanding of neurological conditions.

Join Our Mission

The above examples from recent literature, such as the insightful work of Murray et al. (2018), Mang et al. (2020), and others, illustrate the type of innovative research we are seeking for our Special Collection. While these studies are not part of the collection, they represent the cutting-edge advancements in neurology that we aim to showcase.

We are not just collecting research; we are building a community of innovators. By contributing to this Special Collection, you will be instrumental in forging new paths in neurological care. For more information and to submit your work, visit our Call for Papers page.

Join us in this endeavor to advance neurology and elevate personalized care to new levels.

About the Author


Dang, J., Lal, A., Flurin, L., James, A., Gajic, O., & Rabinstein, A. A. (2021). Predictive modeling in neurocritical care using causal artificial intelligence. World Journal of Critical Care Medicine, 10(4), 112.

Hampel, H., Gao, P., Cummings, J., Toschi, N., Thompson, P. M., Hu, Y., ... & Vergallo, A. (2023). The foundation and architecture of precision medicine in neurology and psychiatry. Trends in Neurosciences46(3), 176-198.

Kline, A., Wang, H., Li, Y., Dennis, S., Hutch, M., Xu, Z., ... & Luo, Y. (2022). Multimodal machine learning in precision health: A scoping review. npj Digital Medicine5(1), 171.

Maldonado, P. D., Chánez-Cárdenas, M. E., & Fernández-López, A. (2018). Mechanisms of cell damage in neurological diseases and putative neuroprotective strategies. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity2018.

Mang, A., Bakas, S., Subramanian, S., Davatzikos, C., & Biros, G. (2020). Integrated biophysical modeling and image analysis: application to neuro-oncology. Annual review of biomedical engineering22, 309-341.

Murray, J. D., Demirtaş, M., & Anticevic, A. (2018). Biophysical modeling of large-scale brain dynamics and applications for computational psychiatry. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging3(9), 777-787.

Tate, A., Suárez-Calvet, M., Ekelund, M., Eriksson, S., Eriksdotter, M., Van Der Flier, W. M., ... & Jönsson, L. (2023). Precision medicine in neurodegeneration: the IHI-PROMINENT project. Frontiers in Neurology14.

Qin, J., Ma, Z., Chen, X., & Shu, S. (2023). Microglia activation in central nervous system disorders: A review of recent mechanistic investigations and development efforts. Frontiers in Neurology14, 1103416.