Your Guide to Wellbeing at University

By Gretchen Geng and Leigh Disney

If you are currently studying at a university, do the following scenarios sound familiar?

  • You are a new university student. During your secondary school time, you were always considered to be a "high-level" student. However, when you began university study, you noticed most of your peers were also successful in their work. This sudden competition surprises you and sometimes brings you frustration. Even when you spend long hours, and intense commitment, you do not always achieve the results you want. Your feeling of personal exhaustion makes your efforts counterproductive.

  • You found it difficult to focus during an early class; you had to drink multiple cups of coffee to stay concentrating on your studies. You wonder how your peers can remain active and fresh during their class activities.

  • You just found a part-time job working in a retail store starting from 1 pm straight after your lecture at the university, so once your lecture is completed, you need to rush to work. You have no time to ask your lecturer questions, nor can you have an academic conversation with other students. Once you come home after work, you become so exhausted that you cannot focus on your studies and assignments.

University can be a challenging and demanding time, and you face a range of stressors such as academic pressures, financial concerns, social challenges, and life and study difficulties. Stress can be caused by various factors such as exams, deadlines, coursework, research, social events, personal relationships, and balancing work and school. In short, we have academic performance standards to satisfy; we have family commitments to fulfil; we also have our own social-emotional and mental health to look after. Starting a new learning journey could mean the beginning of our time in higher education, turning a new page within our career pathway, or an exciting opportunity for further professional development. However, juggling work, family and study commitments, we may consistently feel overwhelmed to bring sufficient energy and a positive attitude into everything we do.

In the book “Your Guide to Wellbeing at University", we show you how to understand and recognise the stressors of university life, look after your wellbeing, generate full energy, and achieve high performance and success through four areas, being physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.

Our book uses real students' success stories and strategies to help you in developing personalised strategies to build your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual resilience. These success stories help you plan and set personal goals, get the most out of the support available to you, and achieve the right work-life balance for you. Examples include:

My friends and I really enjoyed reading. We developed a book club for ourselves. We set up a schedule to read together online. The books were not always academic or related to our study, they could be novels, thrillers, newspapers, or any social media papers we are interested in.

I found it useful to remind myself what goals I am aiming to achieve… As I was changing my academic goals during my mature age and just after my health has been improved, I was considering changing my career and would like to be a teacher instead of an IT technician… When setting up my goals, I used monthly goals to start with. I make them clear by writing them up and putting them next to where I can see them every day.

Finally, based on Neuman Systems Model and Full Engagement Power, we introduce various energy-planning exercises and techniques which you can then develop throughout your university life and beyond university.


Loehr, J., & Schwartz, T. (2005). The power of full engagement: managing energy, not time, is the key to high performance and personal renewal. Free Press Paperbacks.

Neuman, B. & Fawcett, J. (2011). The Neuman systems model (Fifth edition.). Pearson.

Book Details
Your Guide to Wellbeing at University
Gretchen Geng and Leigh Disney
April 2023
ISBN: 9781529763201

About the Authors