Call for Content - New therapy development roadmaps for Rare Epilepsies

By Dr. Brandy Fureman and DR. Rodney Samaco

The rare epilepsies are a group of conditions characterized by seizures that are often unresponsive to standard treatments. In rare epilepsy syndromes, seizures may also be accompanied by multiple other chronic symptoms or co-morbidities, including developmental delays, sleep and behavioral issues, and digestive problems, among others. The last decade featured explosive growth in scientific understanding of the genetic underpinning of many (though not all) of the rare epilepsies. As a result, today’s therapeutic landscape is transitioning to targets related to molecular etiologies in addition to the neuronal excitability mechanisms that have traditionally served as drug targets in epilepsy. Today on International Epilepsy Day we are opening this Special Collection - Therapeutic roadmaps in rare epilepsies. This collection will feature articles that showcase how rare epilepsy patient advocacy organizations have taken a strategic leading role in helping to accelerate therapy development for their conditions. Each paper will describe a unique rare epilepsy syndrome and the therapeutic “roadmap” that is available to developer seeking to bring new targets to the marketplace.

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