Pioneering the Future: Personalized Interventions in Neurology Across Disciplines

By Ilan Laufer

The realm of neurological research is witnessing an unprecedented wave of innovation, reshaping our understanding and treatment of complex disorders. From gene therapy to brain-computer interfaces, the scope of advancements is broad, each promising a brighter future for patients worldwide. Here, we explore the cutting-edge technologies and methodologies defining this new era.

Our Special Collection “Advances in Personalized Neurological Interventions: Bridging Transdisciplinary Insights” in SAGE Open Medicine is open for research submissions that advance our understanding of neurological disorder pathophysiology and offer insights to refine the precision of personalized therapeutic strategies.

Gene Therapy: A New Dawn

The potential of gene therapy in addressing neurological disorders cannot be overstated. Innovations in targeted gene delivery, such as CRISPR-based therapies and non-viral delivery systems, are offering new hope for conditions like Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and ALS. These techniques, leveraging engineered microRNA, viral vectors, and particularly the adeno-associated viral (AAV) vectors due to their safety and neuronal targeting capabilities, stand at the forefront of personalized medicine, promising tailored treatments that once seemed beyond reach.

The expansion of gene therapy from rare genetic conditions to more complex neurological disorders has been marked by striking clinical successes and the introduction of the first gene therapy drugs into the market. This progress, coupled with the emergence of powerful molecular tools, has broadened the scope of treatable conditions, highlighting the vast potential and the challenges that lie ahead in safety and technology application. The development of therapeutic AAV drugs, in particular, showcases the blend of clinical and preclinical achievements with technological innovation, opening new avenues for the treatment of neurological diseases (Hudry et al., 2019; Pena et al., 2020; Shalaby et al., 2022).

Machine Learning: Transforming Stroke Imaging

Machine learning (ML) is revolutionizing acute stroke imaging, as detailed in a review by Sheth et al. (2023). Highlighting ML's significant role, the review underscores the necessity for clinicians to adeptly interpret ML-enhanced neuroimaging results for better stroke diagnosis and treatment. It showcases various ML applications in detecting crucial stroke features through different imaging techniques. The conclusion is clear: ML's integration into stroke imaging marks a significant leap forward, offering clinicians new tools for improved patient outcomes.

Organoid Intelligence: Modeling the Human Brain

Brain organoids and Organoid Intelligence (OI) represent groundbreaking progress in neuroscience. These 3D in vitro culture systems, derived from human stem cells, offer a novel approach to studying the human brain's complexity, disease modeling, and even the intersection with AI to explore cognition and memory processes (Smirnova and Hartung, 2024).

Patient-Centered Innovations: ePROs in Healthcare

The adoption of electronic patient-reported outcomes (ePROs) through smartphone applications is transforming patient care in neuro-oncology. By capturing real-time data on symptom burden and quality of life, ePROs are facilitating a more personalized and responsive approach to treatment, reflecting the broader shift towards patient-centered care (Dörner et al., 2024).

Advancing Epilepsy Treatment: Towards Personalized Care

The review by Jiao et al. (2024) showcases innovative approaches in epilepsy treatment through both invasive and non-invasive nerve stimulation techniques, including percutaneous vagus nerve stimulation, deep brain electrical stimulation, and transcranial methods like magnetic stimulation and direct current stimulation. These techniques have shown promising results in modulating neurological functions and significantly reducing the frequency of epileptic seizures. The study not only demonstrates the efficacy of these methods but also underscores the relentless pursuit of new technologies aimed at enhancing epilepsy diagnosis and treatment.

This exploration into diverse therapeutic strategies reflects a broader movement towards personalized care in epilepsy treatment, where interventions are tailored to the unique needs of each patient. While the quest to fully understand the molecular pathogenesis of epilepsy continues, the application of these advanced treatments offers a beacon of hope for improved patient outcomes and quality of life.

Bridging Minds and Machines: The Role of BCI

Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) technology is forging new pathways in healthcare, offering innovative solutions for diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation. Despite facing challenges in signal processing and ethical considerations, the potential of BCI to revolutionize patient care is immense (Cruz et al., 2024).

The Combined Power of Neurofeedback and Biofeedback

The synergistic application of neurofeedback and biofeedback is showing promising results across various conditions, including ADHD and ASD. This integrated approach represents a holistic path to treatment, emphasizing the importance of interdisciplinary research and methodological rigor in advancing our understanding and management of neurological disorders (Tosti et al., 2024).

A Call to Action

In this blog, we've shared a few examples of current research efforts in neurological science to spark interest and showcase the variety of work being undertaken. But please understand, these examples are not boundaries. Your research, regardless of its specific focus within personalized neurological interventions, is essential. We're interested in all contributions to this Special Collection that push the field forward, whether they align with the topics we've mentioned or explore entirely new territories. Neurology, as a discipline, encompasses a wide range of research areas, each with its own potential for breakthroughs and advancements.

Let's continue to explore this field together, recognizing the importance of every research endeavor in contributing to our collective understanding and improving patient outcomes. We look forward to learning about the diverse and innovative studies you're working on.

About the Author


Cruz, M. V., Jamal, S., & Sethuraman, S. C. (2024). A Comprehensive Survey of Brain-Computer Interface Technology in Healthcare: Research Perspectives.

Dörner, L., Grosse, L., Stange, F., Hille, H., Kurz, S., Becker, H., ... & Renovanz, M. (2024). App-based assessment of patient-reported outcomes in the Molecular Tumor Board in the Center for Personalized Medicine—(TRACE). Neuro-Oncology Practice, npae002.

Hudry, E., & Vandenberghe, L. (2019). Therapeutic AAV Gene Transfer to the Nervous System: A Clinical Reality. Neuron, 101, 839-862.

Jiao, D., Xu, L., Gu, Z., Yan, H., Shen, D., & Gu, X. (2024). Pathogenesis, diagnosis, and treatment of epilepsy: Electromagnetic stimulation mediated-neuromodulation therapy and new technologies. Neural Regeneration Research, 10-4103.

Pena, S. A., Iyengar, R., Eshraghi, R. S., Bencie, N., Mittal, J., Aljohani, A., ... & Eshraghi, A. A. (2020). Gene therapy for neurological disorders: challenges and recent advancements. Journal of drug targeting28(2), 111-128.

Sheth, S. A., Giancardo, L., Colasurdo, M., Srinivasan, V. M., Niktabe, A., & Kan, P. (2023). Machine learning and acute stroke imaging. Journal of neurointerventional surgery15(2), 195-199.

Shalaby, K., Aouida, M., Gupta, V., Abdesselem, H., & El‐Agnaf, O. (2022). Development of non-viral vectors for neuronal-targeted delivery of CRISPR-Cas9 RNA-proteins as a therapeutic strategy for neurological disorders.. Biomaterials science.

Smirnova, L., & Hartung, T. (2024). The Promise and Potential of Brain Organoids. Advanced Healthcare Materials, 2302745.

Tosti, B., Corrado, S., Mancone, S., Di Libero, T., Rodio, A., Andrade, A., & Diotaiuti, P. (2024). Integrated use of biofeedback and neurofeedback techniques in treating pathological conditions and improving performance: a narrative review. Frontiers in Neuroscience18, 1358481.