The Metaverse in the Workplace: Possibilities and Implications for Human Resource Development

By D Lim, J. Y. Lee, and S. Park

Recently, the term "metaverse" has emerged as a buzzword, representing a virtual universe beyond our physical reality. Powered by technologies like virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR), the metaverse offers users immersive experiences in digital realms. While some hail it as a revolutionary force with the potential to transform work and education, others remain skeptical, questioning its longevity and practicality. Nevertheless, as more individuals and organizations embrace the metaverse, there's a pressing need to dissect its intricacies, explore its applications, and assess its implications, especially in the realm of workplace learning.


We conducted a comprehensive review of 34 cases to uncover the benefits and challenges of integrating the metaverse into workplace learning. The findings revealed promising advantages: the metaverse proves effective in fostering skill development, offering efficient training solutions that save both time and costs in the long run. Moreover, it provides a safe and immersive environment for learning, where AI-driven agents deliver personalized feedback, enhancing efficiency and minimizing errors.


Though the application of the metaverse holds promise, it also presents several noteworthy challenges. A significant issue when working in the metaverse is the increased workload perceived by employees. They often report higher physical, mental, and temporal demands when using the metaverse, which are especially pronounced when wearing a head-mounted display set. The absence of a unified technological or infrastructural standard for operating within the metaverse remains a critical challenge. As the metaverse concept is relatively novel, established standards and guidelines for its development are currently lacking. The metaverse is still in a developmental phase, with its future hinging on the convergence of numerous evolving technologies, including spatial computing, 6G, artificial intelligence (AI), Web 3.0, and non-fungible token (NFT)s. Predicting the potential future developments and the impacts of these technologies on the metaverse’s advancement is a challenging task. Ethical concerns come to the forefront when employing the metaverse at workplace learning and related interventions. Instances of harassment, assault, and cyberbullying within the metaverse have been reported.


Drawing from McLagan’s (1989) foundational domains of human resource development we extrapolated implications across training and development, organization development, and career development. While the metaverse demonstrates effectiveness in enriching training and development, its adoption necessitates careful consideration. Building immersive virtual systems for training interventions demands significant time and resources. In organization development, integrating the metaverse raises nuanced concerns. Given the intricate nature of organizational processes, practitioners must conduct thorough assessments to anticipate impacts. For instance, organizations seeking to enhance production development processes via the metaverse must strategize seamless integration while mitigating potential risks. Moreover, metaverse adoption can heighten employees’ mental demands despite enhancing efficiency. In career development, employing the metaverse introduces privacy concerns. Disclosure of personal information for tailored interactions lacks clear guidelines, posing challenges for data safeguarding. Ensuring equal digital accessibility for career development participants is imperative, guaranteeing equitable access to knowledge and services. Lastly, addressing cyberaggression risks within metaverse environments, where users engage with anonymous or pseudonymous individuals, is paramount (AbuKhousa et al., 2023; Buana, 2023).


In essence, while the metaverse holds promise as a powerful tool for learning and development, its successful integration requires careful navigation of its complexities. By understanding and mitigating the challenges, organizations can harness the full potential of the metaverse to drive innovation and growth in the workplace.

Article details

The Metaverse in the Workplace: Possibilities and Implications for Human Resource Development
Doo Hun Lim, Jae Young Lee & Sunyoung Park
First published: December 2, 2023
DOI: 10.1177/15344843231217174
Human Resource Development Review

About the authors