Showcasing Editorial Board Expertise

by Simrun Kaur-Rathore

There are many perks associated with being an Editorial Board member on a Sage Journal. They include the opportunity to be actively engaged in the publishing process, review innovative manuscripts, chances to upskill and advance your career, rewards and exclusive opportunities and more.  

How and why we are spotlighting our board members 

At Technology in Cancer Research & Treatment (TCRT), we are proud to have 480 members of our Editorial Board. It is rich in expertise and experience, and members come from all around the world, providing a varied and vital perspective to our governance. Our Editorial Board consists of in-house staff (Executive and Managing Editors), Associate Editors, Editorial Board Members and Editorial Review Board Members.  

Picture 1

With our Editorial Board being crucial asset of our journal, we thought it would be apt to acknowledge the variety of expertise represented by our board by displaying our board members in a topical, categorical way. Jennifer (Executive Editor), Applonia (Deputy Editor) and I (Simrun, Associate Managing Editor) discussed how it would be best to highlight expertise, how pages would be navigated and make it stand apart from the traditional Editorial Board list that we have already. Research and expertise in TCRT comes under four broad categories: Cancer Biology, Detection, Diagnosis & Prognosis and Treatment (Picture 1). This was determined by the categories that we may think to classify papers under, our aims and scope, and by looking at keywords of expertise provided by Board Members and working backwards.  

Picture 2

We then formed sub-categories (Picture 2) for each of these topics; using the aforementioned keywords, emerging research areas and thought back to specific topics for which we had recruited Editorial Board Members. 

Then, within each of these topics, we organised our board by role, linking our Associate Editors to their section on our Associate Editor biography pages where possible (Picture 3) : 

Picture 3

Grouped together by topic, this approach allows for researchers from different places, institutions, and different points of their career to be brought together in a neat topical way. Of course, researchers may fall under more than one topic. It can be challenging to display the true intersectionality of each researchers’ expertise, but we’re constantly looking for ways to make this interface more user-friendly and innovative. It’s a problem many journals face, and we’re proud to have an alternative to the impenetrably long lists that have traditionally been used to display journal Editorial Boards. 

Alongside this page, Editorial Board Members are also highlighted through marketing campaigns, Sage Perspective blogs, Special Collections and Guest Editor-led Seminars. Sage has partnered with Cassyni to showcase Open Access research through engaging live seminars, open to everyone.  

Board Member Benefits 

Benefits include rewards for all active board members, regardless of role. Active Editorial Board Members gain access to a variety of Sage content that can be useful for teaching, securing research grants, writing grant proposals, professional development content and references on working with doctoral researchers. Rewards may differ slightly according to role; for instance, established and experienced Associate Editors and Board Editors have opportunities to Guest Edit Special Collections with waivers available. Active Editorial Review Board Members receive benefits such as APC discounts after completing a set number of reviews, public recognition, reviewer recognition on Web of Science and ORCiD, academic experience, and additional discounts to Sage Books, author services, as well as access to Sage journals for an extended period.  

Looking to become an Editorial Board member? 

We’re always on the lookout for researchers who have experience in reviewing, and/or have extensive research or publishing experience. We’re especially interested in hearing from those that work in emerging areas of research, and constantly strive to spot gaps in our expertise and hire accordingly to be as well-rounded as possible. Application links can usually be found on the landing page of most journals as below: 

All journals building Editorial Review Boards are on this page.

Interested researchers can apply to join an ERB via the online application on the landing page by selecting the journal to which they want to apply.

If you are interested in getting involved or finding out more about Technology in Cancer Research & Treatment, connect with us today.  

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