Posts tagged transgender
Advancing Inclusion of Transgender and Gender-Diverse Identities in Clinical Education: A Toolkit for Clinical Educators

The transgender community is poorly served by our current healthcare system.  Findings a national survey of transgender adults in the U.S. revealed that one in three people had a negative experience with their healthcare provider related to their gender—verbal harassment, refusal of treatment, or having to teach the provider about what it means to be transgender.  Nearly one in four transgender patients avoided seeing a doctor due to fear of mistreatment.

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Inclusive Healthcare for Transgender Individuals: Addressing Mental Health Disparities

Based on the 2021 census, approximately 0.33% of the total Canadian population aged 15 and over, or 1 in 300 people, identify as transgender or non-binary. This is likely an underestimate due to a variety of reasons, with the most obvious being that each household completes one survey, and depending on who is responding to the questions, they may not be aware of each person’s gender identity, especially if someone in the household has not come out as transgender yet. 

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Transgender Older Adults: Critical Preventive Health Care is Needed

The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine have recognized that older transgender adults have some of the most adverse health outcomes of any marginalized populations in America. These poor health outcomes are not the result of any inherent characteristics of being transgender, but arise from the chronic discrimination, victimization, and social marginalization they experience throughout their lives.

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