Posts tagged obesity
Decoding the Labels: Navigating Through the Complexities of Nutrition Labels for Healthier Food Choices

Navigating the supermarket aisles in an attempt to make healthy food choices can be quite complicated.  Obesity has become a critical global public health crisis, and post-pandemic, obesity levels have reached unprecedented heights. It is imperative that we empower individuals with the tools to make informed decisions about their food choices. Consumers require clear guidance on how to select healthy products. The current nutrition labeling efforts are inadequate and fail to effectively communicate whether a food item is detrimental to one's health

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Why is it hard to reverse the rise in obesity?

Obesity is a recognized public health hazard. This puts a strain on the body, as well as on health care systems. It arises because the intake of energy exceeds that needed for exercise and maintenance of the body’s integrity, and is therefore converted to fat. In an effort to reduce obesity in the population, governments can increase the tax on foods and drinks seen as undesirable, but is it likely to be enough?

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Using beef cattle to learn more about obesity and pulmonary hypertension in humans

The increased occurrence of both adult and juvenile overweight and obese individuals, termed the “obesity epidemic” in the US and other developed nations, has been accompanied by attendant increases in cardiovascular disease.

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