Posts tagged transportation
Do risk-taking cyclists have different socio-demographic characteristics?

Cycling as a mode of transport, especially in cities, is becoming increasingly promoted and popular. It is associated with several benefits, such as improved health, reduced air pollution and congestion in urban areas, while being a relatively low-cost mode of transport. However, cyclists are one of the most vulnerable types of road users. In Europe, they are the only mode of transport where the number of fatalities has not fallen over the last decade.

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There is a lot of interest in, and emphasis on, trying to motivate people to shift to alternative and more sustainable modes (means) of transportation for their travel as nations attempt to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, render communities more sustainable and livable, and combat ill effects of climate change. The latest bipartisan infrastructure bill has hundreds of billions of dollars of investments aimed at enhancing transit, bicycle and pedestrian transportation networks, implementing strategies to better manage and reduce automobile traffic, and motivating the traveling public to eschew the use of the automobile for daily travel. Policymakers and the public alike are counting on these investments and strategies to deliver a more sustainable mobility future.

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‘Transportation is a form of freedom’: How to make it more equitable

The routes and schedules of public transit, the presence or absence of sidewalks, the availability of different transportation options, and the design of highways that have divided cities—these are examples of aspects of transportation systems that can profoundly impact underserved communities’ access to basic needs like jobs, healthcare, education, and even food.

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Resilience of Distribution Centers amid the COVID-19 Crisis: The Challenge of Supply Chain Management

The outbreak of COVID-19 has resulted in long-term severe global disruptions which immensely affects the viability of the supply chain ecosystem. In recent times, these supply chain (SC) disruptions have affected all the elements of the economy and society and raised a serious concern for sustainable supply chain management..

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