Top 20 Blog Posts of 2020

The SAGE Perspectives blog team are delighted to share with you the top read blog posts of 2020. Covering a wide range of issues from the COVID-19 pandemic to racism in society, as well as offering support and advice for our authors, editors and reviewers; each of these blog posts offers some new insights for our readers.

Ethical issues in managing the current COVID-19 pandemic

How to Get Published in an Academic Journal Webinar Recap

Read Human Relations; every paper should have a soul

Five reasons why research matters to non-academics

Hope for New Reviewers: Some Encouragement from an Editor-in-Chief

Racism in society: what’s education got to do with it?

Tools to Support Researchers, Grad Students, and Instructors in this Mess-of-a-Time

World Health Organisation Essential Medicines List: multiple sclerosis disease-modifying therapies application process

How on earth can you help healthcare workers cope during the Covid pandemic?

Is COVID-19 the Largest Megaproject of Modern History?

What happens at home stays at home!

COVID-19 in the UK and Occupational Health and Safety: a tale of predictable but not inevitable failures by Government when labor and nongovernmental organization offered better solutions

Teacher Racial Noticing Amid Contemporary U.S. Racial Injustices and COVID-19

The Social Impact of the Industrialisation of Mental Health Work

Putting the Arts and Education on Display

Four Essential Tools for Writing for Publication

Behind the Scenes of Journal Decisions

Poster Presentations at Conferences - Are They Really Worth It?

Sussex Diaries: Coping with COVID-19 as a Research Community

Becoming a Journal Peer Reviewer: Tips and ideas for early career professionals